miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2019

What the word eats?

What the word eats
Do you know what we eat? Do you know much do we eat? 

Analyze the statistics from this article, and create a report about what we eat in different countries, the evolution of certain types of food, the amount of calories ...

Aquí os dejo una presentación de ejemplo de lo que podéis hacer

La infografía está en inglés,aquí os dejo algunas traducciones:

Meat: carne
Beef: ternera
Pork: cerdo
Poultry: ave
Seafood: pescado y marisco

Other: otros alimentos
Pulses: legumbres
Alcoholic Beverages: bebidas alcohólicas
Miscellaneous: varios

Sugar and Fat: azucar y grasa
Sugar and sweeteners: azucar y edulcorantes
Vegetable oils: aceites vegetales
Oil crops: plantas oleaginosas
Sugar crops: caña de azucar

Grain: cereales
Rice: arroz
Wheat: trigo
Maize: maiz
Other cereals

Produce: cultivos
Starchy Roots: tubérculos (patatas...)
Vegetables: verduras
Fruits: frutas

Dairy and Eggs: Lácteos y huevos
Eggs: huevos
Milk: leche:
Animal fats: grasas animales

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2019

Primary sector in Spain

¿What we eat? ¿Where it came from? Watch this video and maybe you will think different...

Now analyze the situation in Spain reading this document (Encuesta sobre la Estructura de las Explotaciones Agrícolas 2013).

Make a list of 10 questions about it. Then create a cartography explaining the most important topics and create a video relating your conclusions

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2018

Spanish population bulletin

Congratulations for your first videos!

You did very good jobs about the future of the Spanish population. Now its time to do a bigger project: 
                                 The Spanish population bulletin

There you have to explain the current situation, by analyzing at least all the charts and maps from your book unit 2

Your marks deppends on......... (you decide, we wil sumariz it in class)

See you at your next show.

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

Spain´s population

Spain's population set to drop 11% by 2050

Task: create a video explaining the information you can find in the article

How to make it? You can do it in different ways. Let me suggest some, but you can develop your own idea:
  1. Record an interview, like if you were TV presentators in a show
  2. Create an animated video, using apps like Powtoon
  3. Do a more homemade video, using a technique like this